Saturday, January 10, 2009

#339-365 Trio

Same site as the kids below, Redcliffe is a Peninsula, separated from Brisbane proper by the Pine River. It takes a four kilometre bridge to span this shallow river The First (on the left) was decommissioned about 20 years ago and is just used for fishing from or walking/biking across.
The second (Centre) is Three lanes alternating up and down flows to accommodate time of day, and it is horrendous to drive on. The third (on the right) is under construction and hopefully will be completed before Christmas 2009 (I hope it has four lanes too)
Any one who has seen an Australian show called Sea Change can understand the importance of our three Bridges (Trio) wonder which one will be torn down - hope its the centre one in is hideous.


mljrbg said...

Nice angles. Interesting description of the Trio.

Anonymous said...

Nice perspective shot! I like how the road is off-center. Really draws the eye into the image.

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Mike I am hoping to learn from people with your experience, I tried to get the perspective right to bring the far end of the road the centre, and if I had of stood in the middle of the Houghton Highway - I would have got killed. Isn't survival a photographers skill too?

jo said...

So how did you take that picture? Were you standing at the beginning of the bridge? or on the bridge? It doesn't look like it has enough of a berm to pull over and stop.

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Jo I climbed the embankment waited for a break in the traffic then leaned around a road sign took three quick snaps Thank God for the SLR then ducked before I got skidaddled.

Chesney said...

Wow, you should have gotten a picture of you taking a picture - could have wiped out the "dangerous" theme! I too love your perspective on this - and the great explanation of the image!

Candyce said...

Love the explanation of the bridge now I have to look it up..I have to get used to some of your Aussie terms but I'm getting it so far :) and as said before great angle

Victoria said...

Nice picture! Sometimes you have to take risks to get that special shot, but we don´t want to get you killed!:O)

Edmund said...

Very nice. You said the teens liked to live dangerously. Hmm I wonder if your in your second teen hood.

Anonymous said...

Interesting choice for a trio - and it's great to learn more about your part of the world.

~Val said...

I love "road" pictures and it was very interesting to read about this one.

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Thanks Eddie but Ithink that comment was meant for the previous shot, however to answer the Question No! no second teenhood, I refused to age past 17, my mate Peter Pan just keeps on calling me "Old Man" Which he has for nearly fifty years, but I'm still 17!

Anonymous said...

Very nice, Ron. I like the way all the bridges converge on the far shore. It seems your gov't does a good job of improving your infrastructure. Over here they tend to wait until a disaster happens.

Anonymous said...

What a creative take on the theme.
It's just wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Australia is full of creatures that can kill you. Your right, kids don't care about those things.

Anonymous said...

I love the angles of this - did you stop traffic to take it??

Anonymous said...

It's fun learning a bit about Australia through your eyes...