Wednesday, February 18, 2009

#056-365 Clouds

This is a shot I took on the trip down to Sydney. from memory it was on the New England Highway just outside Armidale and I remember taking it, to show the vastness of the Australian plains. It was only when I got to look at it in the computer that I got blown away by the structure, clarity and definition of the clouds, they actually make the distances seem totally immense, they go on for ever.

This photo is virtually SOC with only a touch on the lighting levels apart from the cntrl L and a touch of adjustment nothing was done to it. And don't anybody go to kisbear's site to see that counterfeit photo that she purports is of ME, I mean I wouldn't drink Wild Turkey.


barbs said...

Nice Ron. I agree with you. The clouds bring out the vastness of the plains.

Chesney said...

This is a stunning picture and those clouds do add dimension to the image - they look like you could jump in them and have a pillow fight!

Too late, I visited Kisbear's site last night - I thought that was a really flattering portrait of you, really enjoyed it! :)

Nan said...

Awesome clouds! Love the shapes with the shadows and highlights.

jo said...

Don't you just love cloud watching?

When I took my daughter to Italy a few years ago she pulled out a little notebook and made notes of where we were when we took what pictures. I'm glad she thought of that because after only a day in Rome I'd never have remembered what particular place the photo was taken!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic photo, Ron. I love how you composed with the road a bit off center. And the curve of the road serves well to lead your eye off into the distance. You are certainly blessed with a gorgeous landscape...

Sunny said...

In full size it just takes your breath away! Wonderful shot. Those clouds . . . !

Sheila said...

I already saw that picture! I knew that was you right away.

Love the clouds -- I'm drawn into the distance and expanse of the photo. Great job.

DART said...

Stunning! Love when you get a "gem" without knowing it ahead of time!

Rachel said...

Wonderful shot. The clouds are breathtaking.

Debbie said...

Great Big Sky! Really bold clouds, very inviting landscape. You could use this in a Photo Travel advertisement.

Anonymous said...

Those clouds are GORGEOUS! What a fabulous shot!!

Anonymous said...

You really pick up the sense of space in this shot - so open and free - very nice! (see - I can post without picking on you too!)

Linda S said...

This is an, absolutely, awesome photo for the theme!!

BobbieCoughlin said...

Phenomenal landscape!...the massive presence of the clouds balanced against the plane of the earth, with the play of light and shadow on the ground is dynamic.

Esther said...

I've been doing a lot of cloud watching here, and nothing compares with this image. You can just see forever!

Anonymous said...

Love this picture. Reminds me of summer, and Australia which we visited over Christmas/New Year.

Katie said...

Beautiful clouds, excellent composition. Great work!

Anonymous said...

Love the dimenson the clouds give that shot! Well done!

Clara said...

Fabulous image. I love the endless feel of the plains. The inclusion of the road makes you feel like you could hop on it and see more.

Hourican said...

Beautiful Shot! I love the color contrasts...

Edmund said...

Wonderful, fantastic image. But we caught you..How many "Wild Turkeys" did you have you are driving in the left lane on the wrong side.

Anonymous said...

Very nice photo. The clouds are indeed wonderful and provide a real depth to the view.

Good job.

mljrbg said...

Fabulous and more!! The clouds are outstanding. This photo could go ono and on.

Kim said...

It almost looks like a painting!

Anonymous said...

Awesome clouds and sky. Great photo!

Candyce said...

I love it - looks like someone just put cotton balls in the sky - nice capture