Tuesday, December 1, 2009

#308-365 Summer

Sally reminded me that today is 1st December 2009 - The start of Summer. So I have been holding this one back from my last little Jaunt up to Noosa. A little subdued Pseudo HDR to help you people make it through until the snow plows can get through to you, and the water runs in the pipes again. Just in case you thought I was getting soft, I hope you all enjoy OUR SUMMER!


Brita said...

Absolutely beautiful!
Here its grey, grey, darker grey, wet, grey and more wet. No snow in sight.... enjoy your summer!

Chesney said...

You are soooooooo bad.........love the way you subtly rub summer in to us winter folks! BTW, it is beautiful, and love the effect - it makes it that much more summery! :)

Clara said...

It was cold and gray here today. Enjoy yourself.

~Val said...

Susan is posting pictures of her first snow. I think I'll daydream about your photo instead...