Monday, August 24, 2009

#136-365 Hair

Took this shot about a week or so ago in the Redcliffe Showgrounds Stable precinct, and although this beautiful little pony has great hair, Mane, Tail etc. the title refers mainly to the "Hairy Eyeball" he seems to be casting in my direction. I couldn't figure it out when I took the photo cause he was friendly and enjoyed being patted etc, I now know that he had a foresight as to what I was going to do yesterday (Nearly Die - On Wild Horse Mountain) and he was just expressing an opinion on my sanity.


Anonymous said...

You get the feeling someone is always keeping an eye on you?

jo said...

Yup! That's the hairy eyeball all right! Smart pony...

Chesney said...

A psychic horse, now that is a stretch! LOL

John said...

Nice horse and shadow.

~Val said...

Sharp looking little fellow.

Anonymous said...

Love the composition! He's really thinking "Hey guy with the camera...what you lookin' at?"

Anonymous said...

Now the horses have precognition? Well, I never! as the saying goes. Maybe he's pulling a tough guy by thinking: "Ya lookin' at me?" trip. Great photo of the horse with all the blond hair.