Monday, September 7, 2009

#302-365 Steeple

Apologies to those expecting a building and also to those that are sick of the sight of Tibrogargon, but this is the last or nearly the last shot I will show of this wondrous edifice, maybe! I just love the way I was able to frame this shot in camera, just by climbing a small hill to peep through the Eucalypts, in a recent post someone mentioned that they are adding to the fire hazard in California in recent years. That is true but they are very strong survivors and they need to feel the fire on their bark to reproduce successfully, which is why they are so wide spread in Australia. Prior to Whiteman's arrival, the Aborigines used fire as both a hunting method which was coupled in their unique land management schemes worked out over the 40-60,000 years of their occupation, and they were assisted in propogating Gum Trees by Mother Nature herself, and who is to say She is wrong, as it would be down right rude to argue with your Mother.


Anonymous said...

One of your best shots of the challenge, the framing is excellent! I tip my hat to you mate.

Chesney said...

For some reason, I can see you arguing w/ anyone if there was an argument to be had LOL! I do love the framing effects in this image, I am rather enjoying this series! (Just so you know, this area is much more beautiful from up high on a broomstick - you should try it sometime)!

John said...

Great shot. Love the framing.

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Hey Tammy, not until they install seat belts and Air Bags, There is something un-natural about polluting the atmosphere with sooty old twig bits! I wouldn't see the view I'd have my hands over my eyes!

Anonymous said...

Love your framing of Mt. Tibrogargan which gives us so much more detail. Love the colors, the vegetation and even the haze. Job well done. This is the mountain you climbed, isn't it? Must have had a terrific view from the top. What I learned on the web is that Mt. Tibrogargan is 364 meters high. Converted to inches/feet, that is only 1194.23 feet. Still, I'm impressed.

lijola said...

I like the framing as well. And I think it's a great theme photo.

Anonymous said...

I like like the framing of the shot too - it adds so much interest!

Chesney said...

Leave it to you to always travel SAFE! :) Loosen up a bit and have some fun! While some see "sooty old twig bits" others see magical white doves....just have to be a bit more positive here Ron!!

Anonymous said...

This photo has NOTHING to apologize for! This shot is awesome and so is Tibrogargon. The natural frame makes this perfect! Thanks for all the kind comments you left on my blog while I was MIA!

Anonymous said...

Undoubtedly one of your best shots to date. The framing is just so perfect!

Mr. Salad Bowl said...

I see no reason to apologize for taking a photo of something you enjoy more than once :)

That said...really like the shot and the framing is quite nice.

Clara said...

The edifice framed by the trees is wonderful. Beautiful picture.

BobbieCoughlin said...

Love the way it's framed.