Saturday, February 14, 2009

#255-365 Red

Don't know what sort of flowers these are as I found them growing over someones back fence on one of my walks, but they are RED.

Kisbear pointed out that the best solution for you seeing my photos of the trip would be for me to fly you all down here for a long weekend bar-b-que in the heat, so I put it to the minister for finance, and sorry folks but SHE vetoed the idea, so I think I will spend a bit of time and try to set up another Blog so that I can post to it in themes dictated by the trip itself.

You will get to see some of the photos duplicated because as a true 365 Blogger, the whole purpose of the trip was to take photographs, but don't tell Sally that she thinks it was for her Birthday with her Family down south but you all know the real reason. Almost caught up now one or two double posts and I'm back to taws.


Lorri said...

It was nice to wake up to such a bright, cheerful photo this morning, Ron! Thanks for the bit of color in an otherwise dreary season here.

Linda S said...

Beautiful-the color is fantastic.

Chesney said...

so beautiful and soft! gorgeous!

Poor Sally, you are using her to take pictures, unbelievable! But hey, a vacation is a vacation! :)

BobbieCoughlin said...

We have something like it here called trumpet vine. I like the contrast of the brilliant scarlet flowers with the deep, subtle greens of the background.

MevetS said...

Very nice. Great color, composition, and depth of field.

Debbie said...

Beautiful flowers! Sharp focus, great composition. Imagine if we all arrived on your doorstep for tea!

~Val said...

Very nice photo of some pretty flowers. Are they (pardon the spelling...) bougenvillia? They look similar to flowers that grow all over the Phoenix, Arizona gardens and parkways.

Debra said...

Lovely flowers, great detail.

mljrbg said...

Gorgeous flowers. You composed this shot perfectly.

I'm sorry your prime minister vetoed paying for all of us. I would really love to see your country.

I hope Sally doesn't read your blog or you are in BIG trouble!!

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful shot! The flowers look like satin and the color is wonderful!

Candyce said...

Beautiful shot! and your secret is safe with