Thursday, June 25, 2009

#137-365 Halls of Justice

Here is a shot of the entry-way into the Brisbane Law Courts, where on one of the two occasions that I was paneled to sit on a Jury, I heard a Barrister refer to them as the Halls of Justice - Where Justice is Dispensed with, probably said in jest. All I know is those two trials were very eye-opening for me, and I don't think I have had a chore in life that I took more seriously.

I would hate to think of the chaos that would ensue if this institution didn't exist, but the Trial by Jury system puts a lot of pressure on everyone involved, Jurors better pay attention or the get someones life terribly wrong, Prosecutors better do their job right as well, or Juries can't make a judgement without reasonable doubt and only the accused suffers if the Defence get things wrong. I think the most pressure though is felt by the Accused who, if innocent hope Justice is served and if not, the opposite.


Sunny said...

Courts and "Halls of Justice" (or injustice, the way our Supreme Court just ruled regarding DNA testing) are scary places, whether you're the defendant or the jury pool! The one there in Brisbane is a most pleasant, innocuous-looking place from the outside! (Bet inside doesn't have the same feel!)

Anonymous said...

I've had the opportunity to serve on a few juries - interesting times and as noted, a big responsibility. Nice shot of the courtyard for these halls of justice.

Chesney said...

Hmmmm....are you sure you were JUST on the jury??

Esther said...

This appears to be a pleasant beginning when you enter. I haven't seen any courtrooms since my teens years. Somehow I always managed to have a doctor's excuse so that I didn't serve. I don't think I could have managed the stress! Now after age 70, one doesn't have to have a signed doctor's excuse. You can excuse yourself. I know, I know, I haven't done my duty....

mljrbg said...

Beautiful building. I've been chosen for jury duty three times but have been dismissed.