Monday, September 14, 2009

#220-365 Outdoor Cooking

Back to Paniyiri, boy them Greeks sure know how to cook lamb. The smell of this rotisserie was able to draw you in from all parts of the sports-ground where the event was held. Talk about mouth watering to mouth watering advertising. I will post the end shots for the fireworks tomorrow and then a few of the start.


Chesney said...

How I wish I were there - this looks just fantastic! I can almost smell it from here!

lijola said...

Boy, does that look good! You keep coming up with reasons to visit Australia!

Livet på Citronodlingen said...

Wow, I can smell it all the way here!

Brita said...

Wish I were there too, it looks so fantastic...I was wondering yesterday where the smell came from...

DART said...

Oh my! I think I just gained 5lbs looking at this picture! Smells divine. I know because that scent wafted all the way to Canada! : )

Clara said...

Mouth watering delicious. Wonderful.

Anonymous said...

You've captured so much here!
The glowing coals, the smoke, is that shish kabob on the second grill? Yummy!

Anonymous said...

Now I'm getting hungry - I can just smell it!