Friday, September 25, 2009

#198-365 New

This is the last of the shots I have been able to milk out of my little jaunt up Mount Cootha a few weeks back, and I only got it because I had finished setting up for my night shots and had a bit of free time to look around. This was nearly a series of shots too as I got this Liner from when she left the passenger Terminal until she turned to Starboard and headed out to sea on her New Voyage. It was the Cranes that first attracted my attention as I thought that it would be a good shot to give you some perspective of Brisbane, as they are the same cranes that you can see so well illuminated in my Time Posting. Having got the first shot I turned away looking for other targets in the distance, but shortly later noticed that the liner had moved, from its position so I snapped it about five or six more times over the next hour.
The Passenger terminal has only recently been in operation in Brisbane and is still a bit rudimentary or so I hear, there was talk of moving it further into the Brisbane River but Tammy's friends have been at work at the real estate needed to achieve this was not cost effective so it remains out near the cargo terminal. And the cruises seem to be picking up in number of late. Prior to this people used to have to fly down to Sydney to join any of the many cruises that let Australias shore for the vast expanses of the South Pacific - Oh Yeah that's just on our back doorstep as well, Did I ever Mention that THIS was PARADISE.


Chesney said...

I tell you Ron, you are making it quite tempting to jump on a plane and head your way. I don't know what you will do with "the guests who wouldn't leave"! :) I'm afraid we may like it so much that we may just move in!

lijola said...

Looks like we would need to plan to stay at least 6 months to even see this part of Australia! Thanks for input on my "aged" post. I will tinker with image some more.