Sunday, September 27, 2009

#277-365 Seven

This one posed a bit of a challenge to someone like me who always does everything, straight from the shoulder, with no shenanigans. My mind went back to M.A.S.H. the Good Old Four Oh Double Natural as Maine's Finest Kind Hawkeye Pierce named it. So I thought why not use that to demonstrate the point. and to teach you some thing about the implements as a bonus.

Everyone knows that the sum of each side and it's obverse side is Seven, but perhaps you have never seen them displayed as I have shown them above, each number in order running right to left. Dice (Singular Di) have been around for a minimum of 5,000 years in almost the same form as they appear today. The dice were found as part of a Backgammon set, in Iran and as that artefact was over 5,000 years old, it stands to reason that they must go back a good time before that. Maybe I should not have exposed my gambler's side here but Hey the Di IS cast!


Anonymous said...

Ron - the way you have this set up is really fantastic! Absolutely the best "Seven" shot of the year.

lijola said...

Another informative shot and I agree that it is probably the best 7 so far.

Chesney said...

Now this is cool - you nailed #7! I am betting this is your lucky number when you hit those casinos as well...

Clara said...

It is beautiful, Ron. Great set-up and excellent lighting.

BobbieCoughlin said...

Great composition!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comments above - and think this is a very different kind of shot!

DART said...

Another "new to me" shot! I'd never thought about it til now...very neat!