Monday, March 2, 2009

#158-365 Industrial

This is a coal fired electricity generation station located in the Hunter Valley New South Wales about 100km from Sydney. The area is a wine growing area that is reputed to be only second to the Barossa Valley in South Australia. So there must be some truth to the statements that that is only water vapour billowing from those cooling towers.

I was just wondering is this breakimg the rule of thirds? I thought of this for that theme but played safe, I would like to know.


jo said...

The grassy areas look a little parched. Too bad the steam can't be condensed and put on the ground.

Chesney said...

Perfect for the theme, and in my eye I think it is breaking the rule because it is perfectly symmetric - except for maybe the car?? I will check back, curious what others think...

Anonymous said...

Talk about blowing hot air, Ron! : )

mljrbg said...

I hope it's only water vapor.

I'm certainly no expert but from my limited knowledge I would say yes it is breaking the rule of thirds but then again does it really make a difference if you like the photograph.

Esther said...

Yeah, you broke it good. In fact, if it wasn't for the car and wires I would say you were putting out a mirror image. It is strange that they have two just alike in the plant.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the rule of thirds. Let someone more experienced than me answer that. But, I'd say this looks like the atomic energy plant that sits near the Columbia River in N. Oregon. It is certainly generating electricity as you'll note the high-powered towers. Since I'm not an authority on either photos or atomic energy, I'll just let the questions lay. And I agree with Esther's assumption. Good shot, however.

Anonymous said...

This looks quite intimidating & VERY industrial! Great catch! I'm not positive but I THINK you may have broken the rule!! But then, rules were meant to be broken!!!!

Debbie said...

I'm glad that is steam rising from those stacks! Smoke would be really nasty. A very industrial photograph, all business,very little nature!

~Val said...

Wow - 2 big sets of twin cooling towers. That station is pushing some serious energy...

Clara said...

Talk about a small world, we have a Georgia Power plant with towers just like that in the town where I live. I like the symmetry of your picture.

Linda S said...

Perfect capture of the smoke. I love it against the blue sky. IT definitely, perfectly, breaks the rule of thirds. Nice composition.

Anonymous said...

Ron - you tease us with mention of the wines of the region but didn't elaborate - tsk, tsk. Just for that you should ship a bottle to each of us. I like the strong verticle repeats of the white towers - I think that breaks the rule of thirds, but I wonder if you reintroduced it with the horizon line which cuts across at 1/3rd of the way from the bottom. Deferring to those more experience on that one though.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this does break the rule of thirds - but it's a good clean break in a photo that proces the exception. The symmetry in this image really makes it interesting.

Anonymous said...

Great industrial shot - and I agree, it breaks the rule rather nicely.

Edmund said...

The left cooling tower is in the left/lower third and the right cooling tower is in the right/lower third and the ........I'm confused. In this case the rule of thirds was meant to be broken. Great shot Ron.

Anonymous said...

I like the way the stacks frame the photo. Very nice selection for this theme.

Anonymous said...

I'd say it breaks the rule, I like to think of it a suggestion. Nice shot the towers do make a nice frame. On such a bright day they lose the ominous look cooling towers can have.

Candyce said...

I like the smoke stacks I wouldn't see this as a break but I'm getting a little fuzzy on that rule lately