Tuesday, March 31, 2009

#257-365 Regal

The second last of my shots from the Taronga Park Zoo Free Flying demonstration. In the last post Veejayr asked if the Sea eagle was as scary as it looked, which made me take another look at the shot. And I did not see scary at all, so checked them all and I guess it is a "Boy" Thing or maybe just the eye of the beholder, None of these birds are scary (to me) they are all gorgeously elegant examples of Mother Nature's Best works! And yes they are killers, generally very effective killers which is why they are still around. Which brings me to todays post.
I had this guy sitting in reserve, not sure of the best fitting theme title. I settled on Regal because that is how he looks to me! This guy is a member of the second largest birds currently flying the world skys. He is an Andean Condor, which is second in size only to the Albatross. If you want an idea of this condors size check out the keepers feet to the left of the birds head. Enlarged I see this shot as a fantastic display of that magnificent wingspan - A really regal portrayal of a regal bird.
As is the case with me though, things aren't always what hey seem! this isn't a bird of prey in the literal sense, Yes it does kill (occasionally) but mainly it eats carrion, it is a Vulture! The Sea Eagle (species) of yesterday also eats carrion but generally it kills to live, as does the Bald Eagle and the australian Wedgetailed Eagle etc. they are Birds of Prey - Killers! now don't get me wrong I am not disparaging carrion eaters, they clean up the earth really well so that I can enjoy walking around without a peg stuck on my nose! In fact the most important creature on earth is the Dung Beetle, Boy is that important.
I stand by the fact that this bird looks regal in this shot, but if you had seen him in the display bumbling around, scrambling over the rocks to catch up with the keeper in his desperate attempts to get the food on offer, you too would not have had a first thought of regal, it was only Vicki's comment that prompted this line of reasoning, he is regal as is his job, the thought that these guys nearly became extinct is frightening, can you imagine a world without them, or a world without Dung Beetles even more terrifying.


Rachel said...

Great job catching this bird in flight!

Debra said...

Wow, this is wonderful. The detail in the wings is great! A very regal shot.

Anonymous said...

Majestic is what he is. Of course, I think the Bald Eagle is more so, but a bird of this size has to be majestic. Great job of capturing him in flight too. I love they way the wing-tips are curled up to control his flight.

I agree with you about their looks. I think the sea eagle yesterday was a handsome bird. Beautiful, in fact. But, I am accustom to seeing God's creatures for what they are, not for how they are supposed to be in someone's view. Even the mosquito has a beauty about him - even though they and I simply do not get along and if he is in my space, he's dead!!! lol I don't want him getting a piece of me! Talk about killers! He wants part of my life blood. Well actually, I guess it is the female that does that, isn't it? So she can lay her eggs?

Sherrie said...

Beautiful shot of the theme! Beautiful bird and it isn't scary at all! Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great evening!!


Anonymous said...

Excellent framing of the subject with the huge wingspan taking up the entire frame side-to-side. And its very cool how you caught the sand flying up on take-off.

Anonymous said...

And Regal is absolutely the right way to described this incredible capture - you'll get no argument about that at all.

BTW, (I think) I'm flattered to get not one, but TWO mentions in your commentary! In the other shot you mention I saw an intensity in the bird's face that I found intimidating - or perhaps it is it's sheer size that is a bit discomforting. But in any event, this series is great and I can't wait to see the finale!

Anonymous said...

I think you dung right, this is no regal eagle.

Chesney said...

I love how you captured the size of this spectacular bird - wow, look at that wing span! You do have to enlarge it to really see the clearness and detail you captured! I agree (for once), this is one regal bird!! Stunning with that shadow too!

Esther said...

I agree with you....Regal with a capital R. You must have been snapping away to get that motion of the sand and the wing feathers just so! And the footnote (pun)...to measure the wingspan by the handler's foot...was inspired.

Sunny said...

What big bird? Isn't that a Texas mosquito?

(Super shot, and regal fits--at least while he's in the air!)

Your story reminds me of an old Ace Reid cartoon (western cartoon artist), of two buzzards sitting on a tree limb, and one says, "Patience, hell! I'm gonna kill something!"

Kim said...

Great capture, Ron!

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is really good, and i must say i have not really read much about birds but i like them and eagles too of course, wonderful!


Linda S said...

How wonderful--the shot is so dynamic. Great job.

Lorri said...

Nice flight shot, Ron! The bird is, indeed, "regal."

barbs said...

What a bird! And what a shot! Way to go Ron. Just spectacular. I can't say anything that hasn't already been said.

Anonymous said...

A great shot. I love trying to photograph birds in flight - this is really great. I think regal is

~Val said...

Love the perspective on this, with the bird flying away from the photo.

terricreates said...

Great for the theme. It absolutely "awe"some. His prey should be scared, LOL. I really like how you got the sand in the shot, it reflects power in action. Excellent photo, great job.

BobbieCoughlin said...

Looks kinda scary to me! Great capture of the sweep of his wings.

Maria said...

Great picture. Love the details on the wings.

Clara said...

I agree with everything that has been said, Ron. Wonderful.

REF said...

This is indeed regal. You captured the textures in his feathers so well. And did you notice the sand kicking up a little? The only thing I would do is try to get rid of the legs that are in the background.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing shot! I think capturing him from the back really shows how formidable and beautiful he really is. Love it!!

Christina, Sweden said...

So magnificent with these free flying birds. So close one can really see the size and it's huge. Saw one freeflying show i n Halesvill Sanctuari whenI wasin Melboure some years ago and that was great!!

Candyce said...

Amazing wing span on that guy...love how you got him in flight