Thursday, March 5, 2009

#348-365 Vapour

Technically it is just cloud, but it was exactly what I saw and wanted to photograph. I was very please with the outcome of this as it was taken through an open car window as we were driving along so that would explain the slight focus shift in the near foliage, but the "Vapour" is exactly the effect I was seeking.


Anonymous said...

Like this photo very much.

jo said...

You nailed the theme.

Anonymous said...

I think it's lovely vapour. And don't you just love when shots out of car windows work out!

barbs said...

Nice Ron. I thought steam too when I saw the post. Good thing you told us it's really a cloud. Car windows are great for photographing through - as long as you aren't the driver.

John said...

Great shot.. the mist, the trees, the hill.

Rachel said...

Great picture. You captured the "vapor" very well.

Chesney said...

Very mysterious and beautiful. Look's like a scene out of a epic movie or something! Are you sitting down? I would say this one is picture perfect!

Sunny said...

That's a great shot, Ron! It is amazing to watch fog roll (or drift) in.

This gives new life to the phrase, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

Debbie said...

Great picture especially from a moving car! A very interesting landscape, a very steep hill in a jungle? Perfect for the Vapour theme!

mljrbg said...

Great find!! This is worthy of being framed and put on Sally's wall!! It is a beautiful photograph.

Anonymous said...

Hope this was taken recently. The vapor (cloud) is nature's way of seeing that her plants receive moisture even though it need not rain. And I hear you country is in desperate need of moisture.

Love the shot, the composition, the colors and especially the "vapor". :D

Mia said...

Very nice, I can really feel the humidity all the way here. And the photo also has a bit of mystery to it with the mist.

Anonymous said...

Really great shot Ron. You nailed it with this one.

Lorri said...

Good use of the "vapour" theme, Ron. The photo is great--very jungle looking and sort of mysterious.

Anonymous said...

Perfect for's fabulous & doesn't look like it was shot through a car window at all!

Anonymous said...

Looks tropically warm and steamy. Great shot- especially from a car window!

Candyce said...

Gorgeous shot - I keep waiting for a foggy day here just not warm enough yet

Anonymous said...

Super shot! I'm expecting to see a brontosaurus come walking through the scene momentarily...

BobbieCoughlin said...

Cool--sure looks like vapor to me!

Bo Mackison said...

Lovely cloud, mist, no--vapor. And I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one guilty of those car shots. Sometimes ya just gotta!

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo, Ron. Is this taken near you or from your recent excursion south?

Brita said...

Great shot! Just beautiful. And wow! to get a shot from the car window to be that good.

MevetS said...

What is a cloud if not water vapor? Very nice.