Thursday, April 23, 2009

#329-365 Tilt

Another of my Lorikeet shots, I did apply a bit of sharpening to this photo as there is some motion blur that was caused by the bird (that had been standing upright) moving quizzically (Like a puppy at a sound) to see what I was pointing at him.

As I have stated before these birds are so flighty that any shot of them I consider a triumph, I end up with so many boring shots of disappearing tails, that need to be ditched but there was no way that I could have ditched this shot, it is just too damn cute.

BTW the title was picked by Sally who on seeing the shot straight from the memory card said "WoW, that is the Tilt from your list!" and who am I to argue with the Syster who is closest to me. Apart from everything else she was right, and I didn't know I had that sho I thought I had snapped when the bird was upright, I don't look at the LCD screen except to check the histogram, then sort things out on the computer. You will be depressed to know that this isn't the last of the Lorikeet shots, I got one yesterday, with the macro lens on (Looking for Bugs to snap) which is (to my mind a killer).


Chesney said...

I am glad you didn't trash this one, this guy is a cutie and wow, those colors are marvelous! I agree w/ the Syster Sally - tilt is perfect for this, boy is she good! :)

Rachel said...

I love your Lorikeet shots. They are such bright, colorful birds and this is perfect for the "tilt" theme. Never argue with Sally!

Anonymous said...

He's definately got a quizzical tilt to his head as he's trying to figure you out! Nice one here - looking forward to the next!

tterlyn said...

Great colors here, cute little thing, Waiting for the macro shot.

Anonymous said...

Am loving your bird shots! Great colors, good profiles, nice shots!! Looking forward to more.

Anonymous said...

Love the tilt on that bird and the motion blur, too!

lijola said...

Colors are great and it's a perfect "tilt" phots.

mljrbg said...

Good thing you had Sally along to remind you of your themes!! The Lorikeets are absolutely gorgeous. Their colors are phenomenal.

Anonymous said...

Looks like he can't quite figure out what you are up to...just like the rest of us. :-)