Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My First Spam on Blogger

I have just posted this thread on the Village Web Site and thought you all should know.

I just got a comment left on my Bent post, from:
(I deleted the http etc but careful, the link may still work don't click it above!)
looked like a normal address but when you click on the blogger ID it brings up the above web page. I don't know it this is a normal blogger practice but if so it is another strike against Blogger for my money.

Just thought everyone should know, I am putting this here and will also post it on blogger to let the others know.

I have deleted the comment by the way.

If it is legit sorry to sender but please don't come back, if not Blogger should put a stop to the practice.

Careful Out There.


Anonymous said...

Glad you posted the warning, Ron. Pretty sure you were spammed and that it's not a legitimate comment.

KimR. said...

Darn spammers, hope that doesn't happen anymore!

~Val said...

Ugh...sorry about that, Ron! No fun! Thanks for the warning!