Monday, May 11, 2009

#186-365 Mismatched

Yesterdays post showed a pelican being robbed blind by a quick witted quick beaked cormorant who thought it was easier than catching his own fish. Here is one of three shots I got of the Pelican on the left remonstrating with a feisty seagull that was trying to get in on the act.

All three shots show the gull in the air and the Pelican trying to get the bite on it, where as the others showed the gull in classic flight, I feel that the participation by the second Pelican in the rear, added impetus to the Seagulls plight and action to the shot.

There are one or two more to come but for me this is a couple of shots that show how even right on our doorstep, the struggle for life continues with no holds barred, and the spoils going to the quick of mind and action. Somethings that we have lost in our outlook on life. It is much more comfortable now for a lot of humans than it has ever been, but we best remember, that that isn't the way of nature, so we better keep on our toes, be vigilant, keep our wits about us, and never fail to take proactive actions if they are warranted.


Debra said...

Wonderful shot and good catch on the bird in flight!

Chesney said...

It looks like that pelican could swallow that sea gull whole! What a huge mouth!! NO Ron, I am talking about the Pelican, I swear! :)

Lorri said...

I love pelicans and I've never seen one get sassy before! Thanks for the stories behind your shots, Ron! It always enhances my enjoyment of your photos to know a little more about the moment.

Anonymous said...

It can be a tenuous balance as shown in your remarkable photo.
Great shot and great words of wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.... is this an analogy about feeling surrounded by WoW Systers, and your need to be vigilant as you struggle to keep your wits about you? Good action shot!

Anonymous said...

You caught these birds so well. I too love your narrative

Anonymous said...

which way do I go, which way do I go...sometimes either way is dangerous

Clara said...

I love how those pelicans are just sitting there with their mouths open. Cool shot.

mljrbg said...

Not only did you get the sea gull in flight but you also got 2 pelicans ready to catch whatever comes their way!! Fabulous shot.

annalarssonphotography said...

Great catch!
I would like to see pelicans too :)

Anonymous said...

They sound noisy, even in a photograph!