Sunday, May 17, 2009

Addressing comments on City Lights

With regard to holding it steady, Pish Posh - I had it firmly attached to a tripod, do you people realize how long 30 seconds is and at a near freezing (to me anyway) 53.6%F, I never considered hand held.

Iona mentions a Halo, by which I assume she means the "Up Wash" of the City Lighting, as it is narrow over the dock areas far off to the left yet quite pronounced over the Redcliffe Lights I can only assume also that it is leaked illumination magnified a bit by the duration of the exposure, and by the fact that much further on is Brisbane City proper which also would have contributed to the intensity.

I have a strong recollection of there being a glow like that in what I saw with my naked eye, but no where near the intensity of this shot. If I am wrong in this assumtion I would dearly love to be educated by those who KNOW -and not surmise like I do.


Anonymous said...

Sounds reasonable to me!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you had too much coffee and shook the ground?