You have heard me complain about how invasive the Indian Minor birds have become in Australia, well yesterday I saw about four of them eating seed or breadcrumbs that someone had put out, one Lorikeet came down to get his share and the minors objected.
The Lorikeet held his ground, so five more Minors came down to up the numbers, and things looked grim, 9 to 1 but still the Lorikeet kept eating and was eventually joined by three other Lorikeets, this brought in more Minors, who became beligerent, the odds were now abot 15 to 4, but when one of the Lorikeets got pecked on the head, all Heck broke out and the Lorikeets showed the interlopers that Locals can be tough, driving them off in short shrift, then they stayed and cleaned up what was on the ground and attacking any Minor with the timerity to land. I Loved it.
This fellow is sure giving you the eye - and it looks a bit red too. Have you been giving it some of our Wild Turkey? Nice story about the fracas and a nice angle on the shot.
Love the perspective, angle & color. It's a beautiful shot! The moral of the story is...don't tee off any of Ron's lorikeets!
Love it when the unerdogs win! Another gorgeous shot of these beautiful birds!
I love the stories that accompany your wonderful photos!! This bird is great!
These birds are beautiful. I just love their bright colors. Glad they stood their ground and weren't bullied away!!
I really like the color, contrast and the angle in the picture. Well done! I also have to say that I enjoy reading in here everytime I visit.
Ron, I just looked back through 2 months of your photos and enjoyed them so much! You and Sally make a great creative team. I especially love all your colorful bird shots and the humorous weather stone. Congrats on the new addition...Snow is beautiful and lucky that she allowed you and Sally to take her in.
Great story Ron. I actually saw a Great Blue Heron doing that with Canadian Geese. He was pecking them on the head in anger.
Just a week ago my DH called my attention to a tiny bird chasing a larger hawk away. Except for our hummers, our birds aren't as colorful as yours, but they add interest to the life of retired persons.
Here in NJ and NY we have several colonies of Monk Parakeets. And there too are tough customers, albeit in this case they are the invasive species. They have been known to gang up and chase dogs away.
And while they are a non-native species they are so well established in NJ that they are now on the official state list of resident birds.
You can put up a lorikeet shot anytime you want as I always enjoy them.
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