The first picture is a pretty good layout of how real Roos would deport them selves as a small family group in a lightly wooded area. I included the close-up second shot to show the mastery of automotive type equipment to achieve really stunning representations that even in a photo pay more credit to the artist than I could with mere words. Her mother was reluctant for the girl to be photographed with them so she isn't but she thanked me for pointing them out to her, so I asked if they were "Deceptorcon" Roos or "Terminator" Roos at which point her slightly elder brother became interested and said Yeah, "Terminator Roos", smiled and both the kids said, simultaneously "hasta la vista" waved and went of laughing all together, they must think Arnie is "Cool" or "Sick" or whatever the current word is this week.
Now, those are really cool! I love the creativity of that artist.
I love 'em! What great imagination these sculptors have to turn junk piles into recognizable images!
These are really fun, think of the time the artist has in these, sure wish I was this creative as to think of doing something like this!
How cool & what talent and imagination the artist had! Great shots!
Love 'em!! Great find!!
Amazing sculptures! It boggles my mind how someone could look at a gear, or scrap of metal, and say, "Hey! I see a 'Roo in that!)
I just love both the sculptures and the images captured of them. Great work, Ron!
These are very cool and I want one for my garden!
Fascinating - both the subject and the accompanying story. I really like the closeup of the single roo.
Very well seen and shot! I want one too, I'll sent you my address
Those are just about the coolest things that I have every seen.
I have to show these to my son (the one with all the hair ;o) ) - he'd love to try to create sculptures like this! Great find for the theme!
so very unique...talented artist! and a big YAY for recycling.
Robotic wildlife. Curious. I guess they live better in the city.
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