Sunday, July 19, 2009

#213-365 Orange

Thought I would celebrate my 200th post with something colourful, what could be more colourful than a Lorrikeet, they aren't around so much now as our Penda Trees are not blooming and they are off feeding on other trees. My neighbour still puts out bread and honey for them and by the numbers that gather waiting for him, I guess it makes life easier for them during the cold months of winter.

My favourite local bird and others seem to think they are okay too.


Livet på Citronodlingen said...

That is for sure colorful!
Very nice!

jo said...

Pretty bird, Ron.

Kerri said...

He's a very pretty bird!

Linda S said...

Congratulations on your 200th post!!!

Anonymous said...

It's gorgeous Ron! Looks like it should be an illustration in a book of birds. As for your comment on my toys had me laughing out loud!!

lijola said...

I am in awe of your 200 posts! Congrats! And, I can't see this bird enough - beautiful..

mljrbg said...

I love your Lorrikeet photographs. They are such beautiful birds. Fabulous color!!

Christina, Sweden said...

Great photo of a lovely bird. would love to have that in my garden!

Anonymous said...

Love these birds!

Anonymous said...

I know you know how lucky you are to have such amazing birds in your 'hood. Very nice shot!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous bird and equally gorgeous shot!

Bless your neighbor for feeding them.

Anonymous said...

They have such an intelligent look in their eyes. Your Lorikeets are always a joy to view.

MevetS said...

Keep 'em coming. These birds make for great subjects.