Wednesday, July 22, 2009

#284-365 Silly

Another of the fun shots I got when I attended the Farm Funtastic show held up near Caboolture last weekend. Depicted here is one of the kids rides that were to be seen traipsing around the show site all day, as you can see from the first pictures number plate it is "Lil Squirt" a ride conducted and manned by members of the country Fire Authority. (Allied to those Heros you saw in News shots of the horrific Bushfires that Victoria suffered earlier in the year - These guys could have even been down there fighting the fires - I don't know, Anyone who willingly tackles a bushfire is a HERO to me!)
The first shot is about the best display of the passengers having fun, but shows the discrepancy of the driver as compared to his passengers, (Even the Mum). So when I bumped into him later in the day, while he was having a break from driving the kids around, I asked him point blank "Are you really known as Lil Squirt?" (Honest he was at least 6 foot 10 inches tall). He replied gruffly "That's the name of the appliance!" (Which I knew) so I asked if I could get a shot of him near Lil Squirt, to which he readily agreed, and as I was walking off I called back that I was going to tell everyone that he was "Lil Squirt" (Don't worry I had an escape route ready), He just laughed and said "You Do That!" so if you bump into him you now know what to call him, if your very very brave.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a gentle giant to me!! The colors are great in this shot, ROon!

John said...

Great picture and story.

~Val said...

Incredibly vibrant colors! They just pop off the monitor. Wonderful.

Edmund said...

That's what I was called in grammer school. But you did him justice with a very nice shot.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots, and as general, equally wonderful narrative. Glad you found it for us, and dressed it up with your story.

Great for the theme.

Chesney said...

Not sure I could still run fast enough to get away with that! If I were you, I'd be watching over my shoulder! :) Great shots!

Livet på Citronodlingen said...

So cute!
The colors are great and it makes a funny picture that he is so tall and the car is so small.

Sherrie said...

Hi Ron,
Great shots for the theme! Any person, man or woman, that fights fires is a hero to me! Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Love the colors in these shots & of course wonderful commentary!