Tuesday, July 7, 2009

#40-365 Turkey or Fowl Take 2

I previously posted some ducks as I was not aware that the riverways of Brisbane had an abundant number of Wild Shrub Turkeys that make quite a nice living thank you very much in both the land we set aside for the welfare of wildlife and in our gardens and flower beds.

This information was passed to me by a restaurant owner at South Bank who was I imagine sick of having to chase them out of his El Fresco establishment, but who bore them no ill will it seems, he also said that this being a female is no where near as colourful as the male, but then we all know that. If I can snap a Male in all his glory, expect a #340 Take 3. Just thought you would like to see what an Aussie Bush Turkey looks like, I thought I had to go to a Rainforest to see one. - Live and Learn They Say!


Chesney said...

He is actually kinda pretty, but I think he needs to be fattening up for Thanksgiving...

Nan said...

Very pretty--for a turkey. Hope you can get a "Take 3"!

Lorri said...

Now I'm curious, Ron. Do people eat them and are they white and dark meat or only dark meat like many game birds?

Debra said...

Well, she's not bad looking. Great shot.

Brita said...

Not a bad looking bird at all. Great shot!

Anonymous said...

Our mascot!!! The Wild Turkey! Good one Ron, though I'm sure you're disappointed that it wasn't the kind you could sip!

Anonymous said...

Yikes Tammy!! No gobble, gobble out of this turkey! Great shot....love the composition and the lighting.

mljrbg said...

This is a nice shot. Maybe there will be a tkae 3!!

Thanks so much for the wonderful comment you left on my gorilla photograph.