Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Bad In Amends

Sorry I thought these grew everywhere, so didn't show the flower very well, hope this makes up for it. Like other city raised kids I had been eating Passionfruit in whatever quantity I could get them from a very young age, without every associating them with the pretty flowers I saw everywhere, but the gap between the bees having their wicked way with these blooms and me being able to get my greedy mitts on the ripe fruit, meant nothing. Look at this flower as enlarged as is possible because there is real beauty there. As for sharing the ripe fruit, FORGET IT! Think of that Gun Case on the quad bike a couple of posts back before you come snooping around my backyard BUCKO, No Judge would find me guilty of even a misdemeanour!


Lorri said...

Nice close up of the flower, Ron. Looks like the passion flowers I grew in Indiana. I suspect not all varieties produce an edible fruit, but I'm not certain. Does it become invasive in your area, taking over everything in the garden? It's considered a weed in some parts of the US.

Chesney said...

Wow, that is gorgeous! I love the unique details in this! And about that NOT sharing, us Systers always get what we want - we will attack when you least expect it. Oh passionfruit, here we come..

lijola said...

I had some of these at another house, but they were a host plant for a butterfly and the caterpillars ate every single part before I got blooms. Still, one of my favorites.

Debra said...

I've lost all of my passion fruit vines but they were one of my favorites and the favorites of our Gulf Fritillary and Zebra Longwing butterflies. I only got one fruit over the years.

terricreates said...

Have some shots from the botannical garden of these, I didn't know what it was. Great job.

Anonymous said...

Now, if I know my plant husbandry, one blossom should produce one fruit. Right? But, I'm looking at the way the blossom is built and wonder . . . since there are 5 "gondola cars" here in the set-up . . . my reason leaves me at this point. I know it should produce only one fruit, yet, my eyes keep telling me five!

Beautiful blossom. I would imagine is is very aromatic too, isn't it? But, unless you have managed to keep something hidden from us, you can't catch the aroma with a camera, now can you??? :D

Clara said...

Very beautiful flower. I have never eaten a maypop.

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful Ron! All those swirls and twirls and lovely colors. It's gorgeous!

DART said...

So unique! I really like it's look!

Anonymous said...

I've had a fruit of a not so tropical one, bland. I always thought the 'passion' in the vine name was after the threes in lots of the flower parts and somehow referred to the 'passion of the Christ'

MevetS said...

Another nice shot.