Friday, September 11, 2009

#080-365 Drive Through or Take Out

In Australia these are known as "Drive Through or Take Away" but although I usually toe the Party line when it comes to abiding by the rulings of the International Committee for Adherence to Themes, (Who seem to be sticking their noses in where they aren't even needed, these days) I thought a slightly different slant was needed.
The Drive through is a double entrance Car Park that used to accommodate the Old Redcliffe Council Offices as well as the local shopping Centre and Library. The shops are still there although the Library has moved further up the street and the Council amalgamated (Scary word) into a giant Council, (All the better to fleece you with my dear), but people do still drive into and out of and even through the carpark, thats that out of the way then.
As I was walking to my class at U3A one Monday, (Nikon in hand) I spied this character lurking at the entrance so I pretended I was a London Bobby who found his wife in bed with three of his colleagues and said "Hello, Hello, Hello!" and as evidence for the prosecution submit the following series of shots to prove the crown's case. I start with the culprit entering stage right, stalking his victim, pouncing, getting rid of the evidence, decamping the scene with the misappropriated goods secretted about his body without a care in the world. The prosecution Rest MiLord!


Anonymous said...

Whenever I'm in need of a chuckle, I know I can count on you to oblige!

Anonymous said...

You are TOO funny! This must have taken you forever to do but what fabulous the inserts of that heinous beast!

Chesney said...

I think a more appropriate title would be a fly through or fly out, and I think your new title should be a fly through shooter...

This really shows your talent - this is great (for a fly by shooter that is)! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice capture of this brazen bird!

Anonymous said...

Leave it to you to spot a sneaky critter getting away with the goods - nice catch and your collage is a delight - very fun!

Anonymous said...

I think your "calling" is to make people laugh and enjoy the inane side of life! Nice take and good narrative too. Colorful collage to capture a culprit. Completely slap-stick and wonderful!

Anonymous said...

lovely capture!

Anonymous said...

Your photos and this narrative are hilarious! You must go through each day seeking the humor in everything- that's great!

BobbieCoughlin said...

Looks like a fly through--or a stalk through--to me.

lijola said...

:-p So much work! Very funny. I do like the collage!

MevetS said...

Do you have fish in the bushes down under?

Nice catch.