Wednesday, September 9, 2009

#224-365 Pampered

Going through my Archive shots of Farm Funtastic, I felt no-one would object to another shot of this cutie, enjoying the company of her new found friends, all of whom I am sure are pampered.
Isn't nature wonderful for giving small creatures (Us included) the gene to make normally plain thinking adults go goo gar and want to care for small helpless things.
And for the weirdos who don't feel that way "DROP DEAD!" we don't want you in our gene pool not even the shallow end where you lurk now! (Sorry that was an unpaid political announcement condemning any weirdo who would hurt kids or animals, just to fed their lunacy). Ah always feel better after a rant!


BobbieCoughlin said...

Looks like an image to illustrate the Peaceable Kingdom.

~Val said...

This is darling! What a pair...

Anonymous said...

A perfect image for this theme - though we older folks deserve to be pampered from time to time too.

Esther said...

Is this little one a resident of the petting zoo? She looks right at home there.
We always take our DGS to the petting zoo at the county fair. He gets a kick out of getting up close to the babies.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, Ron. Nice shot of the tender and young. And nice rant too.I like the reference to the gene pool. :D

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

A very sweet shot. I just adore animals, and little-ones, of course. So fun seeing kids discover the pleasure of other living beings.

Chesney said...

Glad you feel much better, I for one am smiling - this is just a feel good image (and what a treat after the bad morning I am having)! :)

Clara said...

Precious picture. I love how you got three animals and the baby in the picture. Her expression is priceless.

lijola said...

Sweet photo. Can't help but smile!

MevetS said...

Looks like only one is wearing pampers ...