Thursday, October 1, 2009

#081-365 Earrings

Yes it is a plant but I can see all members of the WoW Systerhood, wearing this style of earring, this was my own idea, and what would I know of Women's, secret stuff anyway (Or want to). The Tattoo was approved by Sally well before I posted, she even corrected some of my English misusage.!


Anonymous said...

I may have to step into Julie's shoes to bring this before the tribunal to guage the validity of this theme - quite a stretch here Ron! The photo, however, is very nice - Your recent series of shots have been a treat.

Chesney said...

I'll take a pair, what cool earrings that would be!!

lijola said...

Oh, wow, I really like this a lot. Color, composition, subject...awesome!

Sherrie said...

Hi Ron,
I could see this as a pair of earrings. I really could!! Great photo, love the color. Have a great day!


Ms Katy said...

Oh my goodness, I'd never stretch a theme like this!!! LOL (I saw your comment on my page!) I love your photo!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll let you have this one - even if you are so hard on other! Very pretty contrast!

Anonymous said...

it is a lovely shot and there is in fact a plant with a common name of 'lady's earrings' (fuchsias) So not too much of a stretch

Brita said...

Beautiful! I'll take a pair too.

Esther said...

I love fuchsias and can see these dangling on my ears, too....

Anonymous said...

A very pretty photo. Nice job.