Tuesday, October 20, 2009

#135-365 Guilty Pleasures

Madelaine beat me to this idea, but I thought that I should post it as soon as possible after reading her post to prove I didn't cheat, This is the remains of the Chocaloto that I had as part of my Diabetics Breakfast which also included Pancakes and Ice Cream and Fruit Salad and Maple Syrup. Only trouble is Sally got to the management of the restaurant and they say only one per customer per day!
I had intended showing the cup steaming hot and full but hey you all know how it is, if you want to see a full one you too will need to go to the Moondoggie Restaurant at Noosa in Queensland and order one, in fact try my Diabetics Breakfast it is YYUUMMMMYY, doesn't decrease the sugar readings much though, but you can't have everything!


Chesney said...

You sound like a "go by the book" diabetic (just like my hubby.) If you say it has no sugar - it doesn't! LOL Thanks for saving me some!

tterlyn said...

Hey... Its all gone. :}
I'll have a hard time getting to Queensland.
Sounds like a wonderful breakfast.

Nan said...

Sounds delicious!

lijola said...

You drank mine-I only stepped away for a second! No fair!

Sherrie said...

Hi Ron,
This looks like it was yummy. Sorry I can't make it to Moondoggie's to get one, but it's a little toooooo far for me. Have a great day!


Clara said...

That's a great idea, Ron. Love this shot!

Anonymous said...

Must have been yummy, but I suspect you really were not feeling all that guilty after consuming it! Nice shot!