Thursday, October 22, 2009

#263-365 Rock Paper Scissors

Well the rocks are self evident, and I think the pretty pink and white leaves of the Rose are far more interesting than any leaf of any book I get to read, the scissors however take a little bit of explanation, the thorns attached to the stem being basically scythe shaped could easily be joined with a pivot pin and function as scissors. There another theme successfully posted without fear of dissension or censure of any interfering committee or such!


Chesney said...

I don't see any stretching going on here, another theme fulfilled properly (and beautifully)!

John said...

I've taken off my glasses and closed one eye. I don't see any theme stretching either... A rose by any other name...
Great picture though!

lijola said...

Well done!!! Nice details, too.

Anonymous said...

Their trying to get on your good side, ha ha, and then their going to drop the hammer on you Ron. I can see this from a mile away.....

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I'll be a bit lenient with you here (best to keep you unsuspecting...) We'll let this slide on the theme fulfillment.

tterlyn said...

A very soft rose indeed, nice shot.

Anonymous said...

With a pretty enough rose you can fill most themes, nice.