Saturday, November 21, 2009

Two Bottler Aussie Birds

I always thought of Kingfishers being a largish bird, as is our Kookaburra (slightly smaller than a crow) but these two beauties are what I consider a match for the Hummingbirds that Lijola and others keep posting and making me jealous. If you google the Azure Kingfisher (Left) and the Little Kingfisher (Right) they are listed as being 17 centimetres and 12 centimetres respectively, but take my word these guys must have been juveniles as they were much smaller than that. If the tour guide had not pointed them out and brought the boat close, I would not have seen either of them, they were minute but oh so colourful! Heaps more to come - Keep tuned!


Anonymous said...

Those are both amazingly beautiful birds! Is that what "bottler" means? Wel done Ron!

~Val said...

These are so lovely! Nice, bright shots!

Anonymous said...

beautiful birds!

Chesney said...

They are colorful little critters, aren't they? We have these flying around our butterfly house w/ the hummingbirds, now i know what they are!

lijola said...

Wow! Love these little guys. We have the Ringed, Belted and Green Kingfishers (and I have seen all of them), but even the green is large by comparison. Terrific!!

MevetS said...

Your kingfishers are much more colorfully attired then the ones we have around here. Nice shots.