Wednesday, April 15, 2009

#230-365 Peaks or Valleys

You have seen this in a previous post it is part of the Glasshouse Mountains region here in South East Queensland. From the best of my limited knowledge it is a remnant of a former Caldera (or Volcano Cone) and as Australia is the oldest Land on earth, whilst coincidently being among the last discovered, there are np active volcanoes in Australia.

I love the way this column juts up in the sky as if it is a monument, it will form a part of another post further down the track so I won't go too deeply into it. Those interested in looking further into this geological wonderland are invited to look at THIS link. The Glasshouse Mountains were apparently named by Captain James Cook, who espied them as he sailed past on the voyage of the HMS Endeavour when he discovered Australia. He also Named the area in which I live Redcliffe, because he saw the Red Cliffs that form our shoreline, which also subsequently became the site for first settlement in Queensland which was eventually forced to give way to the site on which Brisbane now stands. HERE is a link with more info on that thanks to the Moreton Bay Council Library service.


Nan said...

A beautiful landscape and an interesting peak. I like that it's on the edge, rather than in the middle of the picture.

barbs said...

Very nice sahot.So Australia is the oldest place on Earth? Does that mean it is the Garden of Eden? WOW! From your pictures I guess it could be. Beautiful

Chesney said...

What a beautiful scene - and that "cone" is interesting - can't wait to hear more about it!

Lorri said...

Nice photo for the theme and a great bit of history. Is the rounded peak further to the right in the photo also part of the mountain range?

lijola said...

I have some friends who are touring Australia in a small motorhome. Between their posts and your photo/stories, I have learned so much about your country. Lovely photo.

mljrbg said...

Gorgeous landscape and great history lesson. I'll be looking for more photos on this.

BobbieCoughlin said...

When I first saw this, I thought it was Ireland. Perhaps views like that gave heart to my relatives who went in the other direction when the emigrated from Ireland during the tough times.

~Val said...

This is such a lush looking landscape. Makes me want to romp in the grass with bare feet. Looking forward to hearing more about the cone in a later post...

Linda S said...

Wonderful scenic shot

Anonymous said...

Late in posting, but this is a lovely scene. I thought of our US desert and their "monuments" when I saw this. Nice shot. Nice narrative too.

annalarssonphotography said...

Beautiful landscape and interesting story! :)

Clara said...

Very nice landscape and a nice history of the area also.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely photo - definately benefits from enlargement. I too like the rock formation that juts upward.

Anonymous said...

really nice landscape shot. love the green colors...soon we'll have them here again too. the trees are beginning to leaf out and the temps are getting warmer.