Last Tuesday I had delivered (From China via eBay) my new Fancier Tripod. I needed to test it prior to giving feedback so thought that I would try a landscape shot, so I headed out towards deception bay but stopped at a few places along the way that I had not visited before. Got out of the car near Komilda College to see what was on offer, tripod slung over my shoulder. I got to a small cliff top saw that it was unsuited for landscape (Too much Bush) but spotted something in a distant tree. The old eyes could not identify it and I only had my 18-70mm lens with me (Expletives deleted) So as I thought I recognized the shape thought I'll snap it now and check it zoomed in on the computer. - Snap - then it moved "It Was a Koala" the film shots to the right showed his/her progress down the branch. I took my life into my hands and descended the cliff (Maybe 30-40 feet) but when I got to the tree he was back up the top and the surrounding foliage made a better shot impossible. I could have raced back and grabbed my 70-300mm lens but by that time he would have vamoosed, and I had his posed and action shots, now I should leave him alone and I did!
It may not be remarkable photography but does have a small amount of significance and just this weekend the
RSPCA are conducting a Koala census as the numbers have dwindled alarmingly in the Brisbane Urban area for obvious reasons. I was surprised to see a Koala so close to a developed street and his reaction to my descending the cliff was evidence that he was aware of his surroundings and understood the danger, so I haven't gone back, he needed to be there I won't be the one to drive him away.
Try Cntrl + a few times to enlarge this especially when viewing the progress down the branch, also I am not sure but that doesn't look like a Gum Tree that he is residing in so I don't know what he is doing there as there are plenty of Eucalypts around him, all with better cover.
Nice that you got that cloes any way. I had no idea their populations were in trouble...
Oh that is so cool you spotted a koala and you were able to get the shot to share with all of us! As a kid I always wanted a pet koala- although I understand they aren't very friendly... they are just so cute and snuggly looking. I've always wanted a pet panda too...
Now I am really jealous, I have always wanted to spot a koala in the wild (even if he is a Syster spy...)
Wow, how neat! So glad you were able to show us this series.
Nice going Ron, now you have shown us all up. :} But it is a great series of shots. So congradulations.
Not bad even at that distance. All we have in the trees around here are squirrels.
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