Monday, November 23, 2009

Nourlangie Rock Formation

This is the rock formation where the two images I have posted from the Anbangbang Gallery are located, this whole region is steeped in lore that only the Bininj people could come close to explaining in any meaningful way, there are other paintings further up the rock walk and a look out on the top. Heat and fatigue made it more prudent for me to slowly amble back to the bus with Sally, so no shots, sorry. Bear in mind that this is the end of the dry season, the build-upfor the monsoon has just started, the weather is draining.


Chesney said...

Beautiful image, love all that rich texture you managed to capture!

~Val said...

This is beautiful! Reminds me of all the red rock in the southwest US - Sedona, Arizona, or near Zion, Utah.

Lorri said...

Beautiful shot, Ron! Looks like the ones my father sends from Arizona in the US Southwest.